As I continue to use my platform to share information on wellness and self care, it is always important to me to be most authentic in providing accurate information, and solutions to those seeking wellness.

My last VLOG (Video Log) was about my recent challenge with a severe and debilitating Lupus flare. I shared that I always keep myself in a positive mindset through real time visualization of where I intend to be in the very near future. Our bodies hear every thought that we think, and we do become what we think. I also practice extra self care, and some of that self care includes light activities that bring me joy! Although I am experiencing pain, I do not allow it to stop me from living my life. “Pain is a mindset.”

I want to become well. I tell myself I AM well, and I AM healing. I use visualization tools where I see myself in a light of wellness, happy, joyous, pain free, surrounded by those whom I love, and who love me.

I absolutely believe that this positive mindset is my greatest ally in healing.

I also wrote a blog previously on Lupus. I talked about the unpredictability of the disease, and the challenges in treating and living with Lupus.

Here is a great example of how quickly Lupus can take a turn…

Yesterday, I felt amazing, with very little pain or swelling. Then, during the night last night, I awoke at 2am because my hands were grossly swollen and I had severe bone pain and swelling from my face, into every extremity, all the way to my feet. My feet were also grossly swollen. My eyes were sunken in from the swelling. Walking is extremely difficult today. Sitting is even taxing. I was awakened by the sensations one feels when ones body is heavy with swelling. The doctor’s tell me that sometimes even the weather can trigger another flare. I know this to be true because two days before our last snowstorm, I had suffered a similar setback, and we are expecting a storm this Thursday. I am hoping my symptoms will subside for Christmas. I set that intention. And, I believe.

When I awoke at 2 a.m., I took my Lupus meds (Prednisone, Plaquenil and 800mg Motrin) and went back to bed. Lupus has so many symptoms including headaches, a “butterfly rash” (which I had yesterday), shortness of breath, chest pain, and stiffness, swelling and joint pain.

I could not fall back to sleep.

So, I began my self care at 4 a.m.

I slowly climbed into a hot shower to loosen up. I drank two 8 ounce glasses of water to stay hydrated and to flush out the inflammation, and I continue to hydrate all throughout the day, I put on my music (my greatest relaxation tool), and made my holiday coffee. I engaged my extremities in some very light stretching to awaken the muscles to avoid atrophy. Afterwards, I sat with a heating pad down my spine, legs straight out which was very helpful, and iced my very swollen knees, hands and feet. I began my prayer and meditation practice. In my prayer, I asked for Spirit to let me know if there is anything other than I am already doing that I need to do. At that very moment, an email notification came across my phone that actually said, “You’re on the right path.” Beautiful synchronicity.

Spirit always answers when we ask, and if/when we are open to hearing Spirit’s loving guidance.

Then, I baked my gluten free muffins for my son, Matthew, and daughter, Olivia, at 5 a.m. I packed them up in Christmas tins, and at 8 a.m., dropped them off at the post office to be delivered. All of my joy and determination lies within the love of my children, and doing things for my family that I know they love and look forward to, especially around the holidays.


My pain on a scale of 1-10 is a 20, but I refuse to pay attention to the pain. As I’ve said in the past, “Pain is a mindset.” My mindset is focused on my wellness, and on the simple things that I CAN do! The more we focus on the things that we can do, the more it will expand. I am a firm believer in the power of mindset, the power of prayer, and the power of the body being able to heal itself organically, given the chance.

This disease is being stubborn at this time, but it is no match for my own stubbornness. I refuse to pay any attention to pain. I continue to live my life, keeping in mind that right now rest is my best friend along with the rest of my self care tools and strategies.

Inherently, we all know what we need to heal. Listen to your body.

Today is my last day of work as a Reading Specialist (teaching virtually) until Jan. 4, 2021, and I KNOW, I AM CERTAIN, that during this time off, my body will rejuvenate as I listen to what it needs, and I provide.

As I am finishing writing this blog, the song, “Positivity,” by Stevie Wonder began to play! One of the ways that Spirit communicates with me is through music! Another beautiful synchronicity! I am being reassured that my positive outlook is a monumental part of my healing!

It is now lunchtime, and my hands are much better! I’m so grateful for the little successes!

Self care, that which is individual to each of us, is our best medicine for wellness, alongside of a positive mindset!

“Self care is the actions that we take to achieve wellness, and wellness is where we stand in our power!”

Love, blessings, and health!




Wendy Blanchard