My article In FIND ADDICTION REHABS – Wendy Blanchard, M.S., INHC, NYCPS

I have been sought out by Find Addiction Rehabs to write an article on Substance Use/Mental Health Disorders and Wellness!

Here is an excerpt:

Exploring an Integrative Approach to Recovery

I spent a great deal of time over the years exploring and exercising new wellness practices in order to create a new trajectory for my life, and that of my children and granddaughters. And it has rippled out into our global community with eagerness and excitement in both the recovery and wellness communities.

When I began this journey at age 54, after forty years of living with multi-occurring mental health disorders which began at the age of 14, I was ill-equipped to actually take an active role in my life. I had no coping skills or life strategies to guide me. I was like a newborn baby with nobody to care for me, or to teach me.

Yes, I experienced a “re-birth.” I was discharged from treatment after 30 days in two separate rehabilitation facilities, with absolutely no aftercare, (insurance would not cover aftercare) and so I was left to figure it all out for myself as I went along.

Click here to read the article in its entirety!

Wishing you wellness!

Love and blessings,


Wendy Blanchard